The Gorilla

1. What was the gorilla's name?

2. Where did the gorilla live?

3. What did the gorilla build?

4. What did he use to build it?

5. How did the gorilla feel about what he made?

6. What did it let the animals do?

The treasure

1. Where does the story happen?

2. What did the girl find?

3. What was in it?

4. Who did she share it with?

5. How was the weather?

The Cake

1. What ingredients did he use to make the cake?

2. What color did the cake become?

3. What design did he put on the cake?

4. What did Tom want to do?

5. Where did Tom put the ingredients?


1. What was Jake studying?

2. Who helped Jake?

3. Did Jake finish his homework?

4. How did Jake feel about his homework?